Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day in the Village

It is a cold and rainy morning, (I am very thankful that Martha made a surprise last minute purchase in DC of matching sweatshirts.) We met our guide, Vincent, at the entrance to the village. From him we learned so much about Zulu history and culture.

They have many wonderful customs and deep meaning in their ceremonies. Here a Zulu woman is showing a bridal veil and gifts she brings to the wedding. The man gives a gift of 11 cows to his father in law. This can cost up to $3000 per cow! Zulu engagements are very long.

Vincent expressed some sadness with the loss of culture. School and in-home water and electricity are cutting into community time when people used to meet collecting firewood or getting water at the river where many mates are chosen. 

The award for cutest little Zulu goes to this young man.

This Zulu village is an undiscovered pearl. We shared this time with the VanDam family from Holland - Quinn, Margaret, Jonna, and Damus. Now they have the Zulu people to themselves as they stay another night.


  1. I am soooooooo jealous of your trip. This is a dream trip of mine so I'll just have to follow your blog and enjoy vicariously!

  2. I'll go to Africa with you Lynda!


  3. I am so excited, this is so great!

  4. When you were describing your encounter with the female my heart was pounding. Not with fear but excitement. I'm glad to hear you didn't try to throw a saddle on her and ride the beast. Fantastic pictures so far but the narrative is very impressive. It almost puts me there with you. Thanks for doing this and I look forward to hearing and seeing more. Have you learned the Zulu term for "Easy Tiger" yet? Hi Martha. Can they put the warthog in a stew?

